(Audubon) Rick Thompson is on his way towards a 2nd term in office as an Audubon County Supervisor. Thompson and Todd Nelsen were the two Republican candidates voted in during this week’s primary election No Democrats appeared on the ballot.
Thompson thanks voters of Audubon County for showing their support at the polls. He was the 2nd leading vote getter with 418 votes.
“I appreciate all of the support from people in Audubon County. It means a lot to me and Todd both. We are trying to do the best that we can do for the people of Audubon County. The main goal is to spend the money the right way and get the most use of each dollar that we spend in the county.”
Thompson calls being a supervisor a good way to meet good people. “You meet so many interesting people not only in Audubon County, but in other counties and other groups or committees that I’m on. I really enjoy visiting with Supervisors from other counties. It’s a good way of meeting a lot of good people.”
Thompson says they’ve done a lot of projects with the help of the engineer and others. He’s excited for what lies ahead.