(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Hall will reopen on Monday, June 8, with a few stipulations.
Atlantic Mayor Dave Jones says anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 or exposed to someone with the virus should not come into the building. City Hall is open to individuals with official business only. Social distancing in the hallway, one person per family, and City Officials recommend visitors wear masks if going beyond the front office, for instance; the offices of the City Clerk or City Administrator.
In other business; Mayor Dave Jones is working with Atlantic Fire Chief Tom Cappel, and the current plan is to have fireworks on Friday, July 3, at the AMU well field by the Little League Complex. There is no Flight Breakfast. The event would be moved to the Friday before Labor Day if issues with COVID-19 or weather should arise.
The Mayor also announced the reopening of restrooms in the City’s Park system, including the Schildberg Recreation Area, valid at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 6.