(Atlantic) Ali Pieken, wife of State Trooper Dustin Pieken, said local law enforcement and the community are invited to gather and show their support with everything that is going on in the United States right now.
“We will have local law enforcement officials that want to participate gather in a circle, on one knee if they feel led to do so, and we will have pastor Ben Winford in the middle saying a prayer,” explained Pieken. “We are doing this for a couple of reasons; we want to let the community of Atlantic know, as well as the United State know, that we see what the black community is going through right now and we are very sorry that they are going through it, as well as we want to just show our support for all of our brothers and sisters in blue and everything that they are facing right now as well.”
The event will take place Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Camblin Addition of Sunnyside Park in Atlantic. The community is invited to come and show their support while keeping social distancing in mind.
“If you want to make posters, if you want to come and just stand and pray with them, or just simply be a part of it to help you process everything that is going on, we would love to see community members come out for it,” said Pieken.
Ali Pieken said the community has really stepped up to help out with this event. There will be free hots dogs provided and Atlantic Bottling Co. has donated drinks.