(Atlantic) The Cass County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution to vacate a portion of untraveled county roadway at their meeting this morning.
Cass County Auditor Dale Sunderman explained the untraveled portion of former Primary Road No. 414 is in the west part of the E ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 10 of Cass Township.
The traveled portion of the roadway will not be affected by this road vacation.
In other action, the Supervisors approved the Secondary Roads Employee Bargaining Unit Agreement for FY2021. Board Chairman Steve Baier…
The Supervisors also approved the employment of Susan Page as an additional jailer; the Supervisors approved the 28E Agreement for sharing cost of provision of ambulance services; and the Supervisors approved the 28E Articles of Agreement for Workforce Development Chief Election Consortium merging Regions 8, 12 and 13 (the counties of Cherokee, Plymouth, Monona and Woodbury comprise Region 12; the counties of Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie and Sac comprise Region 8; and the counties of Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Page, Pottawattamie and Shelby comprise Region 13).