(Griswold) The Griswold School Board set a public hearing for Issuance of Approximately $1,800,000 Sales Tax Refunding Bonds at their meeting Monday.
Superintendent Dave Henrichs said a few years back the Board obtained a Sales Tax Bond for the purpose of redoing some parking lot areas, some lighting, as well as redoing the track and with interest rates as low as they are they are looking at refinancing those.
Henrichs said the School Board also discussed the major components of the Return to Learn Plan that all schools have to submit by July 1st.
In other action, the board approved the following: Class of 2019 Funds Transfer; 2020-2021 Mission Statement and Goals; Convenience Charge for Online Deposits (the current fee is $4 and the Board elected to keep that the same for next year); Nutrition prices for 2020-2021 (the student lunches will remain the same at $2.50 for PreK-5th grade students and $2.70 for 6-12 grade students, adult prices increased from $3.75 to $3.85); Registration Fees for 2020-2021 (a book fee which is $30 per student that is waivable or reduced if they are on free/reduced lunch); the Activity Pass Fee for 2020-2021 (Students are allowed to attend home, non-state sanctioned events free of charge. Other prices for High School events: Adults $5, Students from other schools $3, Senior Citizens $4. Junior High Events: Adults $3, Students $2, Senior Citizens $3. Season passes: Adult Activity Passes $85, Senior Citizen Passes $70, Students $40); Spanish III/IV Waiver for 2020-2021; and the 2020-2021 Consortium Agreement for Academic and Therapeutic Services.
The Board also approved the following Personnel:
The Board also approved some remodeling project bids: