(Glenwood) Mills County Public Health has been notified of the second case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed in Mills County. The person is a female, between the ages of 41-60 years of age and is self-isolating.
Mills County Public Health is conducting contact tracing investigation for this case to identify close contacts who should monitor their health symptoms and self-isolate.
There is no additional general public guidance that would result from providing more information about the specific case. Iowa Code §139A.3(2)(b) states. “A report or other information provided to or maintained by the department, a local board, or a local department, which identifies a person infected with or exposed to a reportable or other disease or health condition, is confidential and shall not be accessible to the public.”
All residents are urged to stay home as much as possible, stay away from groups of people, and maintain a 6-foot distance from other individuals. This is needed by everyone, regardless of a confirmed case, because we know there is a community spread of COVID-19 throughout the country and Iowa.
We remind all residents to continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow/upper arm and stay at home when you are ill.
Approximately 80% of Iowans infected with COVID-19 will experience only a mild to moderate illness. Most mildly ill Iowans do not need to go to their healthcare provider or be tested to confirm they have COVID-19. Sick Iowans must stay home and isolate themselves from others in their house. Self-isolation must remain in effect until:
✓ You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (3 full days of no fever without the use of medicine that reduces temperatures), AND
✓ Other symptoms have improved, AND
✓ At least seven days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit the Iowa Coronavirus webpage at https://coronavirus.iowa.gov.