(Atlantic) A group of Atlantic volunteers are grocery shopping for residents unable to leave their homes due to COVID-19. Marsha Watts, of Atlantic, decided to do something after hearing a heartfelt story of an elderly woman unable to leave her residence to shop for groceries.
Watts says the goal is to help the (elderly, high-risk individuals with weakened immune systems. and single-parents), with no one to watch their home bound children. Watts says Stacy Weis stepped up and offered to lead the charge along with help from others.
Watts says those individuals unable to grocery shop can call Stacy Weis, (249-3026), Marsha Watts, (243-4568), Bobbi Jo Mathisen, (249-3899), and Danyell Thompson, (249-0089). The four answer phone calls from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Camblin Mechanical through Marsha Watts is offering storage for the necessities, such as paper items, personal hygiene, and canned foods.
Donations can be dropped off on the west side of Camblin Mechanical from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.