(Harlan) The Shelby County Board of Supervisors approved a Disaster Declaration at their meeting Thursday, March 19th.
The resolution states: “Due to the confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus throughout the state of Iowa, United States, and worldwide the Shelby County Board of Supervisors has declared a state of emergency for all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Shelby County as authorized under Iowa State Statute. This will allow expenditure of emergency funds from all available sources, invoke all mutual aid agreements, and the applying to the State of Iowa for assistance.”
According to the minutes, Auditor Mark Maxwell, also had a request from a local business if the Courthouse shut down completely and didn’t need their service, that the county would help a small business keep paying for the service without one being provided. No action was taken. Maxwell also advised that amendment time is approaching and if expenses mount with the current pandemic, it would be necessary to amend the budget anticipating higher expenses in May and June. The amendment doesn’t spend more money; it just gives Shelby County permission to spend the money if more funds are needed to cover unexpected expenses.
Recent Incident Command officials were discussed, these being the persons that fulfill several duties required in these circumstances. Supervisor Kenkel spoke of the challenges being taken on by all department heads in the County. Personnel separation in the workplace and worst case scenario preparations should be taken in each department. Every department is not the same and each department’s services, outcome and goals are all different. Discussions with human resource experts are taking place attempting to foresee and plan for measures that may become necessary. Working from home is being discussed on a department by department basis. Supervisor Kenkel asked each office to manage the personnel responsibilities and duties of each department going forward, relative to the current pandemic.
The Supervisors will meet again on Tuesday, March 24th. Items on the agenda include County Furlough Policy, Sick Leave related to COVID-19, and Beaver Bounty discussion.