(Corning) All Southwest Valley campuses are closed until further notice. Only designated staff will be allowed in the buildings.
Before we get started with the logistics of all things happening right now, what you really need to understand is that we’re going to be okay. We’ve got incredible teachers, great kids, and unbelievable parents that are going to take care of each other and now is a time to show other people how well #twolvesterritory can come together and take care of each other. This process is a marathon, not a sprint. Plans will continue to evolve as more information is known. The administration of Southwest Valley will continue to meet weekly to reevaluate plans and protocols. It is also important to stay home at this time and not congregate at school playgrounds, friends’ homes, or other common public places.
After meeting with administration and directors this morning, we have come up with the following protocols:
Hot lunch will be served to students this week and available for curbside pickup. To order hot lunch, you can call or text 641-418-0952 or email lunch@southwestvalley.org. This contact information will be posted on our website and in the comments below. Pickup will begin Tuesday, March 17th from 11:00-12:00. Curbside pickup will be located at the main entrance of Corning Elementary or Southwest Valley Middle School. You must order tomorrow by 8am. This will sign you up for meals for the entire week. Please include the names of students who you will be picking up meals for and your preferred pickup location. This will be a free program for all Southwest Valley students 18 years and younger.
This was a very hard decision because we understand the hardship this puts on our Southwest Valley families. We are being very cautious and will close the ECEC until we have further guidance from the Department of Human Services, Iowa Department of Public Health and the CDC. We do not want to put our families at unnecessary risk.
Wellness Center
The Southwest Valley Wellness Center will be closed in Villisca until further notice. Key cards will not work for this building until it is reopened. Membership will be extended upon reopening.
There is a link on our website that will have up-to-date information and suggested academic resources.
Spring Activities
All Iowa High School Athletic Association activities for spring have been suspended. This includes speech, music, track, golf, and tennis events.
Also, there will not be anyone in the building to answer phones but you may e-mail administration if needed.