(Audubon) Phase II of the Heartland Divide Wind Energy project in Audubon County is moving forward.
Mike Weich with NextEra Energy provides the details, “This project is approximately 200 megawatts of wind in Audubon County. It comes with a 42 mile transmission line and that would transmit the power from the wind farm in Audubon County to a substation located in Adair.”
This past weekend informational meetings were held in Audubon, Guthrie, and Adair Counties as project organizers go about mapping out the route for the transmission line. Up next are conversations with landowners in the three counties. “We’ll coordinate with them and discuss with them the project and the transmission line specifically. We’ll negotiate with them, receive landowner feedback, and adjust our route accordingly so we have a transmission line that’s sited appropriately for everyone in the community.”
Phase I of the Heartland Divide wind project was a 103 megawatt farm that went into commercial operation in December 2018.