(Exira) Exira Community Club President Abby Rasmussen calls the Sweetheart Trivia night on February 15th a big success.
Bill and Michelle Saluk from KSOM/KS95 hosted the annual event and Rasmussen says it went well. Rasmussen says, “It was a great night. There were a lot of laughs had. Bill and Michelle were a fun addition and we appreciate them coming up to help us out.”
The proceeds go towards a new sound system, big screen TV’s, and security cameras at the community center. “We made almost $1,500 at the door. That doesn’t include any sales from our lounge. It definitely helped pay for the new TV’s that had just been installed and that was the first time we got to use them.”
The Exira-EHK junior class will hold a similar event on March 14th. Doors open at 6:30 p.m and proceeds will go towards prom.