(Harlan) The Shelby County Board of Supervisors elected a Board Chairman and Vice Chairman during their organizational session on Thursday, January 2nd.
According to the minutes, The Board approved Charles Parkhurst as Chairman of the Board for the 2020 calendar year and Darin Haake as Vice-Chairman.
The Supervisors approved a motion to set wages for fiscal year 2021 and that non-contract employees will receive a 2-percent cost of living raise in wages on July 1st. Employees qualifying with a successful evaluation completed by December 7th, 2020, will be considered for a 1-percent raise on January 1st. The board also voted to set the current fiscal year salary/stipend positions: Wellness Coordinator $1,000 with a $500 bonus for getting 100-percent participation in the program.; Safety Coordinator $3,500 with a $500 bonus if the mod actor used to calculate workman’s comp rates falls below a factor of 1; Budget Director $3,750; IT Coordinator $2,250; and GIS Coordinator $1,750.
The following persons were appointed Deputies for the following offices: County Attorney Assistants – Todd Argotsinger and Blake Miller; Sheriff Deputies – Cody Eckles, Kelly Lefeber, Chad Butler, Donavaon Dontje, Glenn Birks, Nathan Pigsley, Braden Quist, and Jacob Hoss.
Bryce Shaben was appointed as Weed Commissioner. Scott Markham was appointed County Medical Examiner and the doctor on call will act in the Medical Examiner’s absence. The Agency in Harlan was approved as the broker for bonding for Shelby County.
The Supervisors approved the economic development public purpose statement. Any business receiving economic development funding from Shelby County will be required to abide by the policies set by Shelby County including, but not limited to, Resolution 2007-32, a resolution conserving the use of the E-Verify website.
A resolution authorizing a partnership with southwest Iowa housing Trust Fund was approved. The Supervisors will contribute $1,000 per unit assisted in Shelby County lying outside the city limits of Harlan, not to exceed $5,000 in calendar year 2020.
The Supervisors also approved appointments to the Compensation Board for the Condemnation of Private Property for Shelby County and a resolution concerning non-discrimination was approved.
The Supervisors will hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.