(Harlan) Shelby County Public Health Director Lori Hoch says it not unusual to have an uptick in Influenza cases over the holidays. But, what is atypical is Influenza B is the predominant virus in the state.
” The“A” strain is usually followed by “B,” which is the case in southwest Iowa; however, it’s just the opposite in other parts of the state,” said Hoch. “When the Influenza virus begins, it’s always a fight to see which strain will be dominant. In our region, “A” is winning out, in every other part of the state “B” is winning out. So my guess is the “B” strain will be coming to the region.
Hoch says the “B” strain is more virulent and is known to cause more deaths. “The number one priority is to get a flu shot,” stated Hoch. “The great news is the 2019/2020 vaccine covers all of the strains that are currently circulating, and that should help. It’s never a guarantee, but its’ the best tool in the toolbox to fight it.”
There have been around 110 reported cases of Influenza “A” and 94 cases of influenza “B” during the 2019-2020 flu season in Iowa, since late September. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, six people have died from the flu in Iowa, and 112-people have been hospitalized.