(Greenfield) Bridge improvements continue at a steady pace in Adair County.
County Engineer Nick Kauffman says the county has 271 bridges, and 96 of them are older than 50. “We have made many improvements, but we still have a long way to go,” said Kauffman.
On Wednesday, the Adair County Board of Supervisors approved a bridge replacement project on the north side of section #33 in Orient township, two miles south of Orient and west of Highway 25. The bridge sustained damage last fall. The supervisors awarded the low bid to Govco for $103,300. Another project on the horizon is a culvert extension project on N72 south of Fontanelle for bid letting this summer.
Two other bridge construction projects are underway on 280th south of Fontanelle, and another project is located south of Bridgewater on Brown Avenue.