(Lewis) The hunting season is soon to be in full swing in Iowa. Bryan Hayes with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Office in Lewis says the public can do their part ensuring hunters are being ethical when they hunt.
Hayes notes that the turn-in poacher’s tip line is active year-round, with a noticeable increase from September through January. “Regardless of the time of year, day, or week, the most important thing the public can do is use the tip-line to help our conservation officers out,” said Hayes. “Through November, our conservation officers work crazy hours, weekends, nights, and holidays, you name it, protecting Iowa’s wildlife populations.”
Hayes says Officers work nights watching for spot lighters and answer calls day and night. “This tip line is a valuable tool to put a lot of eyes out there to help our conservation officers,” said Hayes.
Hayes says area conservation officers cover two southwest Iowa counties and get spread thin with all seasons open; the Officers hear a lot and see a lot. Still, the public can always help them out by using the turn-in poacher’s tip line. The public can report information on the iowadnr.gov website or through a hotline, 1-800-532-2020. Callers remain anonymous, and people leaving tips leading to successful cases can receive rewards ranging from $200 to $1,500.
Upon purchasing licenses, hunters can donate $2.00 to cover the rewards. Hayes the best tips while wildlife violations occur.