(Red Oak) The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors Met Tuesday Morning. During this meeting, the board heard from IT Director Sonia Morrison. Morrison explained that Zetron, an integrated communications system company, is looking to update the county’s current VoIP Provider.
The county’s current VoIP provider, Crexendo, cannot support Zetron’s goal. Morrison explained there are two options the county can consider. The first is a cloud based VoIP named Spectrum Void, which would charge $1743.89 per month and would not require a change of phones. Although, a phone refresh will most likely be required within the next couple years and that would be charged to the county. Spectrum Void will require a 72 month, or 7 year contract, and a penalty is required if the county decides to break this contract.
Their second option is FMTC or Farmers Mutual Telephone Company. FMTC is more expensive, around $3310 per month, but will provide new phones everywhere in the county. They will provide maintenance if necessary throughout the life of the contract, and the county has the option to get out of the 5-year contract without penalty. FMTC would utilize a zip truck, over an ATA device that Spectrum Void presented. Both of these companies would charge a one-time cost.
Morrison also explained that their current Crexendo contract ends in September of 2025. If the county decides to void the contract, it will cost the county over $35,000. Spectrum Void would cover the cost of breaking the contract, whereas FMTC will not.
The Board did not vote on a decision, but decided to take some time to research before a final decision. The Board’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 2nd at 8:30 a.m.