(Griswold) Iowa House District 21 Representative Tom Moore says K-12 funding will be an interesting conversation amongst lawmakers this session. The 89th General Assembly convenes on Monday.
“The consumer price index is above three percent,” said Moore. “This means school districts have to give their teachers a three-percent raise.”
Representative Moore speculates school districts asking for 3.5 to 5-percent allowable growth money. “I don’t see this as being unrealistic,” said Moore. “I’m going to push for our schools to get a healthy percentage this year.”
The Griswold Republican entering into his 7th year at the Statehouse says other items likely to be discussed this session include; the state tax issue, bottle bill, renewable fuels standard, and getting E-15 requirement at every pump in Iowa, workforce shortage especially in the schools, childcare, corporate tax rate, and the two CO2 pipelines centering on eminent domain.