(Sidney) The Fremont County Sheriff’s released traffic statistics from February 24, 2020, to present in Fremont County.
The Sheriff’s Office reports eight traffic fatalities, nine deaths due to COVID, and four accident-related fatalities occurred in 2021. The majority of the deaths were unbelted drivers. Additionally, from January 1, 2021, to May 10, 2021, there have been 33 accidents reported in Fremont County.
Authorities state Memorial Day and the traditional beginning of summer are quickly approaching. Summer will bring more gatherings, festivals, graduations, and vacations; all requiring travel. Many states, including Iowa, have seen a rise in violators speeding well in excess of 100 mph and not wearing a seat belt. This can lead to disastrous consequences.
Unfortunately, with the increase in summer traffic, there could be a rise in traffic crashes and fatalities. Preliminary data shows last year in Iowa there were five traffic fatalities on Iowa roadways over the Memorial Day weekend; five deaths may have been prevented. During the month of May in 2020, 2,988 crashes occurred in Iowa. Of those crashes, 167 individuals were injured because they were unbelted. A majority of those injuries could have been prevented if they had been wearing seat belts.